Growing support for cancer research

Icon Writers / 10 Jun, 2024

“When you talk to people in the region, so many people have been touched by cancer. And many of those people have accessed treatment at Icon. One of the young farmers who attended the 2023 dinner was diagnosed with lung cancer at just 25-years-old. He had treatment at Icon in Brisbane,” says Lockyer Valley Growers Inc Treasurer, Tammy Litzow

“When we hold the charity dinners, the money comes rolling in, as everyone knows it’s for a really good cause. Some companies donate up to $20,000, which means the dinner is paid for and all proceeds raised on the night go to our chosen charities.”

Both charity dinners have been held at the Nolan’s Interstate Transport truck depot – a family-owned and operated transport company based in Toowoomba.

The Nolan family know all too well the devastating impact cancer has on families. In 2014, then-owner, Terry Nolan lost his seven-year battle with renal cell cancer.

Terry’s son, Darren, who took over the reins of the family business following Terry’s passing, alongside his brother Adrian (better known by his nickname, Flea), has also battled renal cell cancer.

Both Terry and Darren underwent treatment at Icon Cancer Centre. Terry, who was a research patient on a clinical trial during his treatment, was a generous supporter of the Icon Cancer Foundation.

“At the end of the day, we all want the same thing, better outcomes for cancer patients and ultimately, a cure for cancer. And the only way that is going to happen is through research,” says Tammy.

“We know this money will make a difference in the lives of cancer patients and that’s why we will continue to support the Icon Cancer Foundation.”

Tammy, who raised $35,000 at last year’s charity ball by shaving her head, says the committee has already started planning the next charity dinner, which will be held in March 2025.

For more details, keep any eye on the Icon Cancer Foundation events page here:

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