Gifts in Will

Have you considered leaving a gift in your Will to Icon Cancer Foundation?

A gift in your Will can change the future of cancer research. You will be leaving a legacy for future generations.

After caring for loved ones in your Will, you may consider leaving part of your estate to a charity of your choice.

Every gift, no matter how large or small, plays a vital role in funding our vital research.

There are different ways you can leave a gift in your Will:

  • Residual Gift – With this type of gift, Icon Cancer Foundation receives the remainder of your estate after those specifically named in your Will have been provided for.
  • Percentage Gift – This can be any percentage of your total estate up to 100 per cent. This type of gift enables you to share your estate among several people or organisations without specifying the property or amounts. This means the gift isn’t affected by changes to your estate over time.
  • Specific Gift – This type of gift enables you to leave a specific cash amount or other asset to Icon Cancer Foundation.
  • Pecuniary Gift – This is a gift of a fixed sum of money made to Icon Cancer Foundation. It does not include assets.
  • Whole Gift – This type of gift is where you leave your entire estate to Icon Cancer Foundation, which is usually when there is no other family or friends that you would like to leave a gift to.

It’s important that you speak with a solicitor when including a gift in your Will.

Please find below some wording you may wish to provide your solicitor.

A Pecuniary Gift or a Specific Gift 
I leave to Icon Cancer Foundation of Level 1, 22 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane, Queensland 4101, Charity Registration Number: (CH1854) Charity ABN: (77 050 408 878) (description of item) absolutely for the general purposes of the said charity and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.

A Residual Gift:
Icon Cancer Foundation of Level 1, 22 Cordelia Street, South Brisbane, Queensland 4101, Charity Registration Number: (CH1854) Charity ABN: (77 050 408 878) (proportion of residue to be completed) for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.

Please contact us to receive our Gift in Will brochure, or to discuss other ways you can support Icon Cancer Foundation, such as directing your gift to a special purpose or program within the scope of ICF’s mission.


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